Pearls of Wisdom

Last week I posted about Christmas being about redemption and reconciliation and I want to continue and share how the pain you are going through can be used to become your biggest asset! Any pastor of a church will tell you that the holiday season isn’t all that Merry for most families. In fact, more [...]

Pearls of Wisdom2022-12-22T19:04:55+00:00

Gift or Curse?

I believe that God has given every single person in the world special gifts and talents. But are those talents a gift or a curse? I used to think my gift was a curse until I saw things more clearly later in life.  Do you use your gift?  Do you think it is a curse? [...]

Gift or Curse?2020-07-14T17:58:11+00:00

Quitters Never Win

… and Winners Never Quit! I actually heard the words “I guess I have already given up and am mourning the fact that we are going to lose everything nice in our life and have accepted that fact, you know,” this week.  It stopped me in my tracks because as they said this, I had [...]

Quitters Never Win2020-07-14T18:18:04+00:00

Like a Child

This weekend my family and I were blessed to take part in a wedding where my entire family was involved in one way or another in the ceremony.  It was at this point where I realized how much life and business have in common.  Not everything in your life will go your way.  There will [...]

Like a Child2022-06-16T18:37:59+00:00
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