In the last six months, I was introduced to a new saying that puzzled me but turns out to so true. I had a mentor in the church tell me the “Bible is a mirror”. At first, I didn’t understand what he was trying to say, but it became pretty clear after thinking and praying about it. If you read the Bible, there’s actually a verse in James and it tells you that the Bible is a mirror in which you look into and you can see God in yourself (James 1:22-23). I believe that the statement also has two other meanings.

Mirror to Your Heart

I believe there is multiple meanings to the message that the Bible is a mirror. I’m pretty convinced that the first one is not what you might think it is. I can relate to this one in my personal life when I say that If your heart is bad and your heart is far from God you will look at the Scripture as something that is imperfect or misunderstood. Even worse, you may look at it and try to pick apart the meaning of each and every word and verse that you don’t agree with. At times in my life I remember saying “I don’t really think it means that.” Trust me, you will justify your sin with this mirror if your heart isn’t right.  That leads me to the second meaning of the statement.

The main way that the Bible is meant to be your mirror is If your heart is good and If your heart is all in for God, the Bible will speak to you and point out where you are deficient, and where you are not in line with God. It will go so far as being specific while you read a piece of scripture it will point out something directly personal to you that you were doing wrong and are out of alignment with God. That’s why it’s called the “Living Word”. But it requires effort and activation of the Holy Spirit to understand what the living Word entails. It’s like looking in the actual mirror and seeing that you have a greasy stain on your face and shirt and will show you exactly how to remove that stain. Do you want to have that stain removed in your life?

The final way that the Bible is a mirror is that way it will show you the reflection of Christ. It will show you God’s law, His heart for his people, how he will patiently wait for you to turn back from your sin (he wait 46 years for me), but it will also show you what happens if you do not repent and turn back (Romans 1:18-32). If you heart is right and you have a repentative spirit, It will show you all the promises of God and they are not lies. In life, everyone knows people will look you right in the face and lie. The mirror of God, the Bible does not. I don’t believe that you can see the true reflection of God through the Bible if you are not reading it daily, and if you are not sold out for God. Sure you can find God in many other places such as fellowship and worship, but the true change and hard work comes from the Word of God.  Do you want to truly see and feel the heart of God?


If your desire is for your circumstances to change in life and you want to walk with God, the Bible has to be a daily occurrence.  I used to try and force myself to read the one-year Bible and while much better than just opening the bible and trying to read it cover to cover, didn’t work well for me.  Pastor Rick told me just begin easy like this; read a proverb and a psalm a day and watch what God opens (if you are seeking him with all your heart).  If today is the 9th day of the month, read proverbs 9 and psalm 9 etc.  then add a psalm in the 100’s later.  Watch what other scripture God puts on your heart when doing that.  You will be amazed at how a book written thousands of years ago will be the most relevant truth you have ever read. As for me, I will continue to let the Bible show me when I have a stain on my face and will be humble enough to allow it to change me and my children forever.  Will you do the same?