If you ever want a self-integrity check, ask you children some questions, but be ready for some honest answers!  Out of the mouth of children come truth and light.  I was asked recently by one of my kids why I didn’t want to “play dirty” or “be nasty” and use people from my life or past to get ahead or make myself look better.  My answer was very simple…….

10 Like an archer who wounds at random is one who hires a fool or any passer-by. 11 As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly.12 Do you see a person wise in their own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for them.

Proverbs 26:10-12


To Do or Not Do the Right Thing……

My answer to her was simple; in the past I had tons of integrity about many things in life such as business and people, but had zero integrity where it mattered the most and that I why I am in the position that I am in in the first place.  I reminded her of something that I’ve told her since she was a little tiny girl; that in life you need to stand for what you believe in even if you end up standing alone.  That is what I choose to do now.  I will stand alone and let God fight my battles for me before I will allow my children to see any more lack of integrity in me.

Watch the rest of my message here:

Our children see everything that we do and every battle that we fight even if we think it is in secret.  For this reason, I will not subject them to people places or things that will allow darkness in the real world or the spirit world to enter their life.  I will not be that dog that returns to his vomit anymore to make myself look better or to help my situation.  As for me and my house, we will serve the lord . my prayer for you today is that you is Matthew 8:22, let the dead (spiritually) bury the dead and let sleeping dogs lie, and let God fight your battles for you.