Joy in the Lord

Philippians 4:12-13 "12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me [...]

Joy in the Lord2022-06-07T01:59:25+00:00

The Holy Spirit

The Holy spirt is another part of being a Christian that I never truly understood.  I knew about the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit- 1 Corinthians 12:4-5) but I never truly understood the importance of it in my daily life.  What does God say about the Holy spirit? What is the Holy Spirit? [...]

The Holy Spirit2022-06-07T02:44:58+00:00

The Armor Of God in My Life

As a believer in God, I never really truly believed that the evil one attacks us in the spirit world until my actions of leaving my heart wide open allowed the devil into my life and he began to destroy my family.  The devil wants more than anything for you to believe lies and "your [...]

The Armor Of God in My Life2024-03-11T17:50:20+00:00

The Lost Sheep

As I have been walking though the “valley of hell” the past 3 months, the Lord has shared some really good things with me.  What I want to share today is that I was lost and God went looking for me even though maybe I didn’t deserve it.  I felt like at that moment, He [...]

The Lost Sheep2022-06-07T03:04:43+00:00

The Great Deceiver

For years I believed his lies. The devil is on earth to lie, cheat, steal, & kill (John 10:10) and to keep people from achieving the destiny that God has for them. Until recently in our men’s Bible study group, I never really understood how the devil operated & who & what he uses to [...]

The Great Deceiver2022-06-07T03:13:22+00:00

Sons of The Father

“Fathers are the central figure in the identity formation of a child” Dr. Meg Meeker  As we grow up I’m sure we all have memories of our fathers.  I still remember how he looked in a police uniform, how his after-shave smelled and how after mom died he re-found himself and made amends with me [...]

Sons of The Father2024-03-28T23:30:32+00:00

Gift or Curse?

I believe that God has given every single person in the world special gifts and talents. But are those talents a gift or a curse? I used to think my gift was a curse until I saw things more clearly later in life.  Do you use your gift?  Do you think it is a curse? [...]

Gift or Curse?2020-07-14T17:58:11+00:00
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